Creative Lift Season Five

Dive Into the NaNoWriMo Challenge!

Are you a writer?

Or really, any other kind of artist who uses story as a key medium? If you take your work, your practice and your growth seriously enough to dare to play your way to the page, this podcast is for you.

Dive into season three of Creative Lift, and learn to use the tools and mindsets of Design Thinking to boost your creative confidence.

Listen in and subscribe:


Creative Lift Episode 36- How to Choose a Project for NaNoWriMo

How to Choose a Project for NaNoWriMo

In today’s episode, Alex and I will talk about how we’re choosing our NaNoWriMo projects this year. My hope is that our discussion will expand your view of what’s possible and give you permission to make the best use of November’s challenge, even if you aren’t currently ready to start a brand-new project.

Creative Lift Episode 37- How to Set Yourself Up for NaNoWriMo

How to Set Yourself Up for NaNoWriMo

In this episode, How to Set Yourself Up for NaNoWriMo, we’ll discuss strategies that will help you prepare for smoother sailing as you draft.

Creative Lift Episode 38-How to Troubleshoot Ahead of Time for NaNoWriMo

How to Troubleshoot Ahead of Time for NaNoWriMo

In today’s episode, Alex and I are discussing one final, but essential piece of the puzzle: How might you troubleshoot ahead of time, so that when you’re mid-month and possibly tired, you still have a plan for how to keep moving forward. Similar to the way marathoners plan for that part of their run where they know they’ll be tired, you can do the same.

Creative Lift-Episode 39: NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Overcome World-Building Overwhelm Blog

NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Overcome World-Building Overwhelmere

In this mini-session, Alex and I discuss overcoming world-building overwhelm and designed to help you maintain your momentum.

Creative Lift-Episode 40: NaNoWriMo SOlutions: How to Move Forward When You're Thinking "I KNow What Happens, But Not How!"

NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Move Forward When You’re Thinking “I Know What Happens, But Not How!”

In this mini-session, Alex and I discuss how to move forward when you’re thinking, “I know what happens, but not how!”

Creative Lift Episode 41- NaNoWriMo Solutions How to Overcome Character Overwhelm

NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Overcome Character Overwhelm

In this mini-session, Alex and I discuss how to overcome character overwhelm.

Creative Lift Episode 42-NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Tackle a Difficult Scene

NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Tackle a Difficult Scene

In this mini-session, join Alex and I as we help you tackle a difficult scene.

Creative Lift episode 043- NaNoWrIMo Solutions: How to Draft Onwarrd When You Wonder, "What's Next?"

NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Draft Onward When You Wonder, “What's Next?”

In this mini-session, Alex and I discuss how you’ll draft onward when you’re wondering “What’s Next?”

Creative Lift episode 044- It’s week three of NaNoWriMo, and our mini-episodes continue. Today’s conversation focuses on how to draft onward when you’re looking at a fresh blank page and wondering, “What’s next?” There will be another episode on Saturday, and in that one, we’ll discuss how to deal with a logic tangle.

NaNoWriMo Solutions: How to Deal with a Logic Tangle

In this mini-session, join Alex and Naomi as they discuss how to deal with a logic tangle.

Creative Lift episode 045- NaNoWriMo Solutions: What To Do The Day You Fall Out of Love with Your Project

NaNoWriMo Solutions: What To Do The Day You Fall Out of Love with Your Project

In this mini-session, join Alex and I as we discuss what we do on the day we fall out of love with our project.