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Creative Lift Season Seven

Living the Artful Life

Boost Your Creative Momentum 

It you’re a writer or an artist who takes your work, your practice, and your growth seriously enough to dare to play your way to the page, this podcast is for you.

In Season Seven of Creative Lift, we’re widening our view and considering our artful lives. What is an artful life, and how might we live one?

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Creative Lift Episode 47-Celebrating Your Year

You've Already Started

We’re kicking off Season Seven: Living the Artful Life, with a couple foundational questions. First of all, what is the artful life? And why might we want to live one?

Creative Lift Episode 48- Listen for the Call to Adventure

Listen Deeply

Listening is a powerful tool that is easy to take for granted. How might listening open an invitation for surprise? How might listening lead to self-discovery as well as discovery about the world and others?

Creative Lift 55- Living the Artful Life: Create Story Moments

Create Story Moments

Our lives are made of moments. What if we paid even more attention to them? What if we intentionally planned story-moments into our days, creating opportunities for connection and joy?

Creative Lift Episode 56- Living the Artful Life: Seek the Metaphor

Seek the Metaphor

Strong metaphors invite us to see through a new lens. How might you use metaphor to more clearly see your artful life and how you might step into it more deeply?

Creative Lift Episode 57- Living the Artful Life: Design for Delight

Design for Delight

Our artful lives are already filled with sensory delights. What if we transformed everyday experiences by paying closer attention, by savoring the possibilities each moment holds?

Creative Lift Episode 58- Living the Artful Life: Permission to Play

Permission to Play

Play is an essential part of your artful life, no matter your age. How might you might make play more accessible in your day-to-day life, starting with giving yourself permission to have a little more fun?

Creative Lift 59- Living the Artful Life: Dare Greatly

Dare Greatly

An artful life sounds great, but how do we begin? What if approaching the artful life with courage began with one tiny experiment?