The Importance Interview
Explore what’s most important to you in your idea by digging deep with a friend.
Asking Questions
20 minutes
The Importance Interview
The purpose of asking questions in The Attic is to reflect on the intersection between YOU and your idea. As a Collaborator, you do your best work with friends. So, find a friend to help you discuss two key questions:
1. In this idea, what is most important to me?
2. What is most likely to be important to others?

How to Play
- A Trusted Collaborator
- Paper
- Pencil
- Timer
1. Play a quick game of “Would You Rather,” to loosen up. Take turns posing questions. Ideally, play this game standing up to boost your energy.
2. Set the timer for six minutes, and tell your partner everything you can think of that is important to you in the idea. Your partner should jot down key words and phrases while you speak.
3. When the time is up, review the written list. Is anything missing? Was anything listed as important that doesn’t now seem vital? Your partner can also share any thoughts or questions that arose while listening.
4. Set the timer for another six minutes. Now, explain what is most likely to be important to others. Your partner can help by listing people or categories of people to prompt you.
5. When time’s up, review your thoughts again. You and your partner may realize you missed a category of person and want to fill in a few holes.
6. Use the remaining time to compare lists and discuss what the key takeaways should be. A list of questions is helpful, but one or two focusing questions will provide you even more guidance. See if you can boil the list down, or choose one or two questions that feel like the right starting place.

Character Spotlight
Rather than playing this game focused on your idea, step into your character’s shoes and focus on the character’s problem or goal. Why is it important to them? Why is it important to others? In the final moments of the game, discuss what insights about your character you can take away from the discussion.

Exploring the Opposite
Sometimes what we need is more breathing space. Our minds are crowded with the trivial and the noise makes it difficult to discern what’s most important. If you feel stumped coming up with what’s most important, try playing this game from the opposite point of view to clear the decks. What’s unimportant? What won’t anyone care about?
Try On Other Creative Styles

Question Starters

What If ... ?

The Question Bullseye
Wondering What Your Creativity Style Is?

Your creativity is like a fingerprint: completely unique to you. That said, by understanding how you fit (or don’t) into one of four creativity archetypes, you can more easily identify your approach to the creative process. Think of the creativity styles as hats. You may wear one most of the time, but another on special occasions. Your unique blend of personas will affect how you approach each phase of the creative process.