Develop Creative Thinking Skills with the Writerly Play Kit

Develop Creative Thinking Skills with the Writerly Play Kit

Psst! If you haven't yet subscribed to the Writerly Play Kit, you're missing out! Issued monthly, the WP Kit is a collection of activities, book recommendations, and other inspiration to help you develop creative thinking by focusing on a single skill. Why one specific skill? As is true for...

My Christmas Wish for You

When I was a little girl, I made most of my Christmas gifts for others. My mom had a sheep collection--ornaments, knick-knacks, and everything in between. One year, I decided to add a new sheep to...

Consider Your Journey

Creativity often shows up at the intersection of various thoughts. Here are three to ponder … what do they spark for you?   "From this point forth, we shall be leaving the firm foundation of...

Measure What Matters in 2017

Yesterday, I turned on the Christmas tree lights, lit the candles and curled up on the couch for what has become one of my favorite activities of each year. I don’t call it goal-setting anymore,...

Balance from a Graphic Designer’s Perspective

  For a long time, I've had the secret wish to take a year and be a fly on the wall in workspaces other than my own. Wouldn't it be interesting to witness first hand the way a chef or a sculptor or...

Three Thoughts about Balance

Creativity often shows up at the intersection of various thoughts. Here are three to ponder … what do they spark for you? “The more you leave out, the more you highlight what you leave in.” ― Henry...

Giving Thanks

They say courage is feeling afraid and acting anyway. The trouble is, when we feel afraid, our hearts race, our adrenaline spikes and our prefrontal cortices give way to our amygdalae. Depending on...

How to Make the Most of Feedback

In order to make the most of feedback, you must be a strong translator. Why? Feedback doesn't come gift-wrapped with a solution. In fact, feedback generally points out holes, problems or weaknesses....

Three Thoughts about Questions

Creativity often shows up at the intersection of various thoughts. Here are three to ponder … what do they spark for you? “It's not a silly question if you can't answer it.” ― Jostein Gaarder,...