Do you consider the words experiment, design, and build as synonyms for the word play? If so, then it’s probably not too big of a leap to see play as a crucial part of the creative process.

But, maybe you object: No. Experimenting, designing, building … drafting … these tasks are serious, important work especially when it comes to my writing and my career.

In Season One of Creative Lift, we’ve experienced a Hero’s Journey. We answered the call to adventure and have been exploring how play works in our creative process, and how it might not be working quite the way we hope. In today’s episode, we enter the first trial which focuses on gaining perspective. When we take a clear look at the landscape of play in our work and our lives, what do we observe?

What’s at stake if we let go and let ourselves play? What’s at stake if we don’t?



Find me on Instagram: @naomikinsman


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