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How do you move a project toward completion? How do you know a creative project is done?

This season, we’ve been talking about Design Thinking, and today’s episode focuses on our penultimate topic: Iteration. There are two truths I want to be sure I underline today.

First, when we hit this stage in our creative process we’re not in the final stretch. We’re just beginning the messy middle. Making it to those anticipated words, “the end,” will require cycling back through the problem-finding and problem-solving stages of design thinking many more times.

And second, when we do return to those stages, we will not approach them in the same way we did before. Further down the road, ideation happens in a smaller possibility space, taking into account the decisions that have already been made. Picture a loop that gets smaller each time you cycle through this trial and error process.



A huge thank you to Alex Doherty, who records and edits Creative Lift.

In this season of Creative Lift, we’re exploring how Design Thinking might apply to the craft of writing. If you’d like to explore these tools and mindsets further, check out our Skillshare course, Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character, at this link.


Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character

IDEO U: Insights to Innovation

d.School Starter Kit

Find me on Instagram: @naomikinsman


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