Even if a story isn’t a mystery, there’s something about a great question that keeps us
turning pages. We want to know: What’s the answer? But can a question draw out too
long? How many questions does it take to turn suspense into confusion?

We’re in season four of the podcast, Behind the Scenes of a Full-Novel Revision, in
which I’m discussing a full novel revision with my fellow writer, Alex Doherty, a fellow
middle-grade writer. In today’s episode, we’re looking at questions and the role they
play in storytelling and pace.



A huge thank you to Alex Doherty, who records and edits Creative Lift.

The feedback approach we’ve used in this season references Design Thinking tools and
mindsets. If you’d like to explore further how to apply Design Thinking to your writing
process, check out our Skillshare course, Design Thinking for Writers: Create a
Compelling Character, at this link.


Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character

Find me on Instagram: @naomikinsman 

 Find Alex on Instagram: @ag.doherty


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