Happy New Year!

If you’re finding this post around the time it was published, you’ve just crossed into 2023, a fresh year. As Anne Shirley might say, “It’s a fresh year with no mistakes in it!”

On this season of Creative Lift, we’ve been Ringing in the New Year and considering how this moment can mark the start of a new story for you. We’ve discussed how you can listen for a call to adventure this year, how you can equip yourself for creative flow, and practice the mindset of making work into play.

Now, as we move into the new year, it’s time to take those first meaningful steps. When you cross a threshold in a story, everything is surprising and new, like freshly fallen snow. There’s no predetermined path, so you can follow your curiosity where it leads.

In today’s episode, A Fresh Page, we’ll explore pathways for making the most of those first steps.






Design Thinking for Writers: Create a Compelling Character

Find me on Instagram: @naomikinsman

Find Alex on Instagram: @ag.doherty


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