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Scramble and Sort

After collecting feedback, scramble and sort it into new categories so the group can help the writer choose a starting place for a revision.




Applying Feedback


15 minutes


Scramble and Sort

If you’re a Collaborator, you’ll love gathering with a group of friends for a feedback session. Start there, and ask each person to write their own thoughts on post-it notes so that none get lost through the process.

To begin, read a short selection aloud. Then, listeners should capture three sets of feedback:

  • What they know
  • What they think they know
  • What they wonder

Then, move on to the scramble and sort activity below. With your group, decide how many of your pieces you’ll consider in one meeting, and whether to gather again to finish. If you choose to consider everyone’s in one sit-down, keep each round short, and make sure to bring snacks to keep everyone’s energy up!



How to Play

  • Timer
  • Paper

  • Pencil
  • Computer (optional)

1. Use a blank wall or large pieces of paper labeled, “Know,” “Think,” and “Wonder.

2. Each listener should put their post-its up in the correct category for all to see.

3. Each listener should review what’s up on the wall, and add any additional notes that the post-it’s spark.

4. Then, review looking for categories of questions and ideas. Work together to sort the post-its into new categories.

5. Once you have agreed on the new sort, title each of the new categories. Have fun with the titling process so that you end up with creative names.

6. Then, have a conversation about which area feels like the starting domino. Where would it be most helpful for the writer to focus first?

7. If time allows, after all the writers who will present for the night have finished the above steps, give each writer the floor for a few more minutes. If they’d like additional help, they should ask the group a “How many ways can we think of to …?” question that will help them begin to take steps forward with that starting domino. The goal is a large quantity of ideas to kickstart their thinking.

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