Giving Thanks


They say courage is feeling afraid and acting anyway.

The trouble is, when we feel afraid, our hearts race, our adrenaline spikes and our prefrontal cortices give way to our amygdalae. Depending on the intensity of our fear, we may completely lose access to our logic and reasoning. And while some situations call for a “get out of here now!” type of response, many do not––particularly those situations that call for courage.

How can we fight back when fear threatens to swallow our courage?

We can name the people, the situations, the moments and the beauty for which we give thanks. Giving thanks is even more powerful when it is made tangible … in spoken or written word. In image. In musical notes or in movement.

While today is a day on which we collectively give thanks, I’m pausing to remind myself that thanksgiving is not a box to check off once a year. Thanksgiving is a daily practice.


Today, I’m thankful for

The Society of Young Inklings

And the passion of young writers

The powerful way they express their vision of the world around them


The questions youth ask

Which challenge and stretch me

How they turn ideas on their heads and teach me something new every day


The dedication of SYI’s staff and instructors

Who endlessly seek ways to give, inspire and empower

The commitment of our Youth Advisory Board

Giving back to the writers coming up after them

The expertise of our Board of Directors

Who are willing to ask tough questions and dream big

The generosity of our donors and patrons

Who give of their time and resources

All in service of a vision


A world in which stories are shaped and told

In which stories are heard and valued

In which stories help build connection and understanding

Solutions where before there were only obstacles

Solutions where they are desperately needed


I’m thankful for the way that the SYI community

Encourages me to wake up every day

Filled with hope