
YOU, my friend, are a Chameleon.


You are a creativity superhero with the power to slip into and out of styles, depending on what the situation requires. The good news is that you are resourceful and always have another approach to try. The bad news is that it can be hard to pin down what works for you. Sometimes one strategy works and other times it completely tanks. You need a variety of strategies from each of the styles so that you have plenty of of options to mix and match. You’ll also want to notice which of the styles feel more natural and which are less comfortable, so you can play to your strengths, or if you’re up for a challenge, shore up your weaknesses. 

So, what strategies might you try?

I compiled all four of the other cheat sheets in one monster pack for Chameleons. You’ll have plenty of ideas to mix and match, keeping in mind what works best for you. I encourage you to become a student of your own creative process. Maybe you do best when you wear one hat at the beginning of the process and another at the end. The more you know about your own unique blend of styles, the more easy it will be for you to trouble-shoot when you find yourself facing a block.

Snag your Chameleon Cheat Sheet below.

Hold on, though, before you go. A couple things…

If you’re scowling at your computer, wishing you hadn’t ended up with a blended result, let’s try again. Quizzes aren’t perfect, and in particular, creativity can be difficult to nail down. If you like, trying taking the quiz again, with a specific kind of project in mind. You might discover you wear one creative hat when you’re at work and another when you have complete freedom.


AND, if this is your first time at the Writerly Play blog, welcome! Wondering who I am? I’m an author and a lifelong student of creativity, on a mission to rattle stubborn blocks loose because the world needs your powerful voice. Whether you’re a writer, an artist, or someone who says creativity is for other people … you have something meaningful to put out into the world.

Want to know more? Here’s the full scoop.

What I want to know is:

What will YOU create next?
