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Design Thinking starts with empathy.

If we were making a widget or any solution to meet an external user’s need, we’d want that empathy to begin with the people for whom our solution was designed. But what about art? Is it a solution? And if so, who is that solution designed for? The artist? The audience?

I do think that art is a solution. For me, first, art is a solution to a question that will not let me go. Through the process of making the artwork—whether it’s a story, a live production, an illustration—I have the opportunity to wrestle with my question. And by the end of the process, ideally, I can come to a place of peace, even if I don’t find a complete answer.

In today’s episode, we’ll discuss where empathy can fit into our creative process, and why including empathy as part of our work can boost our creative confidence.



A huge thank you to Alex Doherty, who records and edits Creative Lift.


The Five Whys Activity

IDEO U: Insights to Innovation

d.School Starter Kit

Find me on Instagram: @naomikinsman


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