The Full Set: Creativity Styles

Creativity is a tricky thing to pin down.

It’s not surprising if you discover you’re a mix of styles. The goal isn’t to find one box and to shove yourself into it. Instead, consider each of these styles as a role you might play. If you’re the kind of person who likes experimenting with different roles (you’re creative, after all), excellent!

The better you understand these roles, the easier it will be for you to figure out the answer to that ever-present question: What should I do next? Before you look for block-busting suggestions, ask yourself–what role do I want to play? Quickly, your mind will focus on the kinds of activities that are most likely to help, and instead of being overwhelmed, you’ll find yourself quickly in motion.

The Creative Styles:


Structure, outlines and details are your friends, but vague big-picture ideas and questions are not. As long as your work lines up with your blueprint, momentum is easy-breezy. Trouble arises when your project doesn’t go as planned or the finished result feels wrong in a way you can’t pin down. But, never fear! All it takes to get back on track is a trusty, revised plan.








You’re a quick thinker and a fast worker. For you, the best kind of creative session is energetic and fast, and you make definite progress. An overly detailed plan or plot is definitely not your friend. You’d rather roll up your sleeves and get to work than waste time planning. You don’t lose your way often, but when you do hit a block, sometimes you’d rather start a new project rather than struggle through a lengthy finish. 





You have more ideas than you can use. Seeing the big picture is important to you, so you love color, texture, and hands-on activites. Rigid plans or overly structured assignments cramp your style.  When projects stop being loose and possibility-filled and fun, you tend to run the other way. You feel badly about your abandoned projects, but until you find a fresh, playful way into them, you’ll deal with the guilt if it means you don’t have to be bored. 





People give you energy. All you need to get started is a solid group brainstorming session. You know your strengths and you love tapping into the strengths of others. You’re an intuitive thinker, especially in groups. Conflict or drama is a sure way to stop your creativity in its tracks. If you’re feeling stuck, though, all it takes is a chat with a friend over coffee or tea, and you’re charged up and ready to go.  





Perhaps you truly are mix of all the types, or at least a couple of them. This means you’re resourceful and able to work through challenges even in less than ideal circumstances. You’ll want to notice which styles feel most natural and use these especially when you’re working on stressful or challenging projects. When you play to your authentic strengths, your powerful voice will best be able to shine.



